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Vehicle Maintenance Logs: Tips on Tracking Your Service History

Tracking and scheduling vehicle maintenance can be a challenge, especially if you’re trying to keep costs low. Whether you’re leasing or buying a used car, it’s a substantial investment. It takes regular upkeep in order to ensure your car stays in great condition. But, between oil changes, tune-ups, and tire rotations, it can be hard to keep track of all the maintenance you need to do, and when to do it. The answer: a vehicle maintenance log.

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What is a vehicle maintenance log?

A vehicle maintenance log is a record of your car’s repair history and can help you schedule regular maintenance. This car maintenance schedule can include tire care, oil changes, lubrication, winterizing, and brake checks. Some jobs you can do yourself, while others may require a visit to your local service shop. But the goal is the same: all the information you need kept in one convenient place.

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Why should you keep a vehicle maintenance log?

Keeping a car maintenance checklist has three key benefits:

Stay organized. First, and most obvious, a vehicle maintenance log makes it easy to keep track of what has been repaired on your car and what’s coming next. This can help you notice patterns in your car’s history and even predict upcoming maintenance.

Plan your expenses. Since car maintenance costs can add up, a schedule can help you plan ahead financially. If you know an expensive repair is on your upcoming checklist, you can set the money aside in preparation.

Track your car’s service history. And lastly, a vehicle maintenance log will come in handy if you are going to sell your vehicle. It can help a new buyer feel more confident in their purchase and have a better understanding of the condition the car is in.

For an example of what should be on your regular car maintenance checklist, here’s a guide that goes through it.

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How to keep a vehicle maintenance log?

If manually creating a checklist and keeping it up-to-date, or sorting and storing receipts, sounds daunting, there is an app that can take care of most of this manual work. The CARFAX Canada Car Care app automatically tracks your service, sends you reminders for upcoming appointments, and builds a schedule for your vehicle based on the suggested car maintenance schedule from the manufacturer.

Your other option is to use a program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to create your checklist. This can help automatically calculate expenses. Or, look for an online template into which you can simply enter all of all your information. For ease of tracking, divide your vehicle maintenance log by time periods: items that need to be done monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Or you can choose to categorize based on different parts: tires, lubricants, windows, interiors.

Whatever option you choose to go with, a maintenance log is a great place to keep important information about your car: your last oil change, the type of oil you use, the year and make of your car, or if it’s been in an accident. You’ll also want to keep all the details of repairs and insurance claims –everything that will be helpful when you choose to sell your car.

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Is it too late to start a vehicle maintenance log now?

Not at all. Even if you’ve already owned or leased your car for a while, it’s not too late to start. You can either simply start tracking your details from your next service appointment, or piece together some of the maintenance you’ve already done. This is especially helpful if you have some receipts to track dates and costs.

We hope this helps you get started with a record of your car’s maintenance.

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